Masters Scholarships
Masters Scholarships are available to enrolled Wyandotte Tribal members who have completed a bachelors degree and are pursuing a more advanced degree. This program has a four semester life span with $5,000 awarded per semester.
Undergraduate Scholarships are awarded to enrolled Wyandotte Tribal members who are attending or will be attending an accredited college or university. The full time student scholarships are in the amount of $5,000 per semester, renewable for a total of eight semesters; providing the student continues to meet the guidelines set up by the Education Committee.
Concurrent Scholarships are available to Wyandotte tribal citizens who are enrolled in high school and are taking college courses. Funding assists students with dual enrollment as they begin course work on the college level prior to HS graduation. Many states waive the cost of tuition and we assist with the fees.
Adult Vocational Training assists income qualified students in attending technical schools where the participants will be job ready in two years.
To obtain an Undergraduate, Masters or Concurrent Scholarship application, you can email your request or any questions that you may have to Evan at ehotulke@wyandotte-nation.org; or by calling his office at 918-678-6331. You can also apply online by clicking on the links above or look below for downloadable applications (pdf).
NOTE: You may also contact Evan about our Wyandotte Nation Stoles or download the application by clicking the button below. Stoles are available to college graduates who have participated in the Wyandotte Nation Scholarship Program.
The Preschool Program has received national recognition as one of the best preschool programs in the country. The children (3+ years old) are given an early start in education efforts by learning academic, social, and recreational skills. Since the inception of this program, the children who graduate from the preschool have excelled in their public school education. The Infant / Toddler Programs serve children from ages 0 to 3 years old, and operate year round.
These programs generate revenue to help maintain the early childhood program of the Wyandotte Nation. Our early childhood services are now available year around.
Education Offices & Library
Mon – Thu: 8AM – 4:30PM
Fri: 8AM – 3:30PM
Sat – Sun: Closed
Preschool & Other Programs
Mon – Fri: 7:15AM – 5:45PM
Wyandotte Nation Preschool
64790 East Hwy 60
Wyandotte, OK 74370
We are still accepting applications to be placed on a waiting list for all age groups: preschool, infant, toddlers, & before/after school.
You may contact Lindsay Cooper for an application by email, lcooper@wyandotte-nation.org or by calling (918) 678-3267.
Cristi Hudson, Education Director, (918) 678-6334 or chudson@wyandotte-nation.org
Lindsay Cooper, Early Childhood Program Coordinator, (918) 678-3267 or lcooper@wyandotte-nation.org
Samantha Butterfield, Caseworker/Childcare Specialist, (918) 678-6330 or sbutterfield@wyandotte-nation.org
Evan Hotulke, Caseworker/Education/Employment Specialist, (918) 678-6331 or ehotulke@wyandotte-nation.org
Kasey Lewis, Intake Clerk, (918) 678-3268 or klewis@wyandotte-nation.org
Madeline Harnar, Librarian, (918) 678-6332 or mharnar@wyandotte-nation.org
Our goal is to create safe and stable families, raise educational achievement, develop and enhance employment opportunities, integrate employment and training services, and increase self-sufficiency.
Wyandotte Nation provides services for job training and work experience as well as educational assistance. We provide financial assistance for classroom training, vocational training, and other job readiness services.
Wyandotte Nation also provides funding assistance to our Native American community in order to increase the availability, affordability, and quality of childcare services. Each family is able to select an approved childcare provider that fits their needs, which allows families to maintain or achieve self-sufficiency through work or education.
We provide a childcare subsidy for eligible families that meet income guidelines based on their family size. Parents are responsible for a copay to the day care and the tribe covers the remaining childcare costs.
Wyandotte Nation provides services under Public Law 102-477, which allows us to combine certain formula-funded federal grants into a single plan.
Click on the links below to access the Applications:
Please contact our staff or visit during office hours:
Mon – Thu: 8AM – 4:30PM
Friday: 8AM – 3:30PM
Wyandotte Nation is closed on Saturday, Sunday, and Federal Holidays.
Contact Information:
Wyandotte Nation 477 Program
Address: 64790 East Highway 60 Wyandotte, OK 74370-2098
Email: wn477@wyandotte-nation.org
Phone: 918-678-3268
FAX: 918-678-3087
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