+1 918-678-2297
8 Turtle Drive, Wyandotte, OK 74370

Family Services

Family Services

We have many programs and services to offer tribal citizens

Services & Programs

Most Family Services Programs are available nationwide. Click on the links below to access the applications and forms for the various programs. When available, you can also fill out the form online by clicking on the 'Apply Now' button. Please allow up to 30 days for processing on all applications/programs. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us. NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, program dates are Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Change of Address?

Submit your 'Change of Address' online by clicking on the button! Or download the form in our 'Forms' section.

Youth Program

This new program combines winter clothing, school supplies, and extracurricular.  The program will run from October 1 – September 30 each year.  Enrolled Wyandotte Nation children aged 3 (as of October 1) to 18 (and enrolled in high school) will be eligible for up to $700 per fiscal year.  Original receipts and applications are required for this program.  Parents/guardians may request up to $400 in Walmart gift cards per year in $200 increments.  Receipts must be returned to be eligible for future gift cards.  No income guidelines apply for this program.  Please be sure to read the guidelines completely prior to making purchases and submitting.  Incomplete applications will be returned.  Applications must be received or postmarked by September 30.

Infant Toddler Program

This new program will be available from October 1 – September 30 each year.  Enrolled Wyandotte Nation children 2 and under will be eligible for up to $300 per year.  Original receipts and applications are required for this program.  Parents/guardians may request up to $200 in Walmart gift cards per year.  Receipts must be returned to be eligible for future gift cards.  No income guidelines apply for this program.  Please be sure to read the guidelines completely prior to making purchases and submitting.  Incomplete applications will be returned.  Applications must be received or postmarked by September 30.

All Downloadable Forms

Access the PDF version of all of our forms below.
Youth Program
Infant Toddler Program
Senior Energy Assistance
Elder Assistance
Direct Deposit
Burial Assistance
HS Junior/Senior Assistance
Child Safety Seats
Change of Address
Tribal ID Request

Senior Energy Assistance

This program is available nationwide for all enrolled Wyandotte citizens age 55+.  The program has a maximum benefit of $350, which will be paid directly to your utility service provider.  The application must be accompanied by a complete utility bill that contains the name of the company, account number and dates of service.  NOTE: Please continue to pay your bill as it may take up to 30 days for our payment to process on your account.

Elder Assistance

No income guidelines apply for this nationwide program: Elders age 55 and over are eligible to receive $350 each year for personal expenses.  Payment can be made to a vendor or reimbursed to the tribal citizen. Examples of eligible expenses include vehicle repairs, appliance purchases, insurance, utilities, groceries, fuel, and home repairs. Expenses that are NOT eligible for reimbursement through this program are alcohol, tobacco, lottery, and items/services purchased through the Supplemental Health Program (aka Benny Card).

Burial Assistance

This nationwide benefit of $3,500 is available for all Wyandotte nation citizens.  The benefit is only payable upon death and must be paid directly to the service provider, unless a paid in full receipt is provided along with the application.  Completed applications should include a copy of the death certificate and an itemized statement from the service provider.

Child Passenger Safety Seats

The program will provide one (1) seat per enrolled child.  Children must either be enrolled or have a completed enrollment application on file.  The only exceptions will be for expectant mothers who can have their physician complete the section on the application beginning in their 7th month and babies less than 6 months old.  Parents/legal guardians can choose to either purchase the seats and be reimbursed up to $200 or have the Family Services staff purchase the seat to be shipped. If applying for reimbursement, receipts must include the following: date, item purchase, item price, subtotal, tax, grand total and payment method (Visa, MC, PayPal, etc.). This program is available nationwide.

Junior / Senior Assistance

A $300 High School Junior/ Senior Expense Assistance Program (October 1 – September 30) is provided to tribal citizens nationwide to help offset the added expenses. The student must state the purpose of the assistance such as yearbook, cap and gown, announcements, letter jacket, pictures, class ring, Junior/Senior trip, college testing, prom, required class-specific supplies, or other related expenses.


Tribal Enrollment (Membership)

The following persons shall be eligible for membership in the Wyandotte Nation: PROVIDED, That such persons are United States citizens and not enrolled members of any other federally recognized tribe, nation, band, group or, community.
(a) All persons whose names appear on the official Census Roll of the Nation as of January 1, 1937;
(b) All issue by blood of a Wyandotte Nation tribal member listed in Section I (a), of this Article; and
(c) The degree of blood quantum of an individual proven to possess Wyandotte blood will not be a factor in determining Wyandotte membership.

New members are added one time a year during the Wyandotte Nation Annual Meeting. Completed applications must be received in the Enrollment office by Aug. 15 of each year in order to be considered for enrollment at the Annual Meeting, which is held the 2nd Saturday of each September.
The membership application must be completed and returned to this office with an ORIGINAL State Certified Birth Certificate. For applicants who cannot trace his/her ancestry to the 1937 base roll, proof of ancestry lies with the prospective enrollee. All membership applicants are subject to review by the Enrollment Committee.


Private passenger, motorcycle, handicapped and recreational vehicle tags are all available. (Oklahoma Indian Territory Only)


The tribal citizen's name MUST be on the Title at the time of assignment if there is a lien on the vehicle. The Tax Commission staff can not add or remove names to the title without the permission of the lending agency.

For New Tags you must have the following:

  • Original State Title
  • Insurance verification
  • Wyandotte tribal membership card (not CDIB)

For renewals you must have the following:

  • Insurance verification


Handicap Tags:  Individuals who are interested in receiving a handicap license plate should either come by the office or call to obtain a form. The form will need to be completed by your primary care physician.

Indian Child Welfare

The 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act was designed to protect the Indian Family from unwarranted interference by the Anglo culture.  When a child is involuntarily removed from his/her home, it is the intent of the “Act” to place a child with an immediate family member, an extended family member or a member of the child’s tribe/or other Indian Families.

If your family is involved in a State Court proceeding, the Tribe may be able to assist your family during this difficult process.


The Benny Card

Supplemental Health Benefit

Each adult tribal citizen is eligible for a $1,500 benefit for medical/health related expenses. The maximum family benefit (adult tribal citizen with enrolled children, spouses are not covered) is $2,500.

The “Benny Card” can only be used at entities who have an approved IRS inventory control system in place. The program year is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. You will not be able to use your debit card after this date for any expenses for the previous year. If you have expenses for that year which come in after the first of the year, you will need to pay them and file for reimbursement by Feb. 28. Beginning January 2024, the amounts increased to $1,500 for adults and $2,500 for families. Family Services staff can assist with basic questions regarding this program, but may refer tribal citizens to Luminare (the company who manages this program for the Wyandotte Nation). You can call Luminare at (877) 267-3359. Below is a link to a flyer with information regarding the Luminare app. The app is a handy tool. You can check balances, file claims and view claim status.



Mon – Thu : 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Fri : 8 AM – 3:30 PM
Sat – Sun : Closed


Wyandotte Nation Administration Building
8 Turtle Drive
Wyandotte, OK 74370


Family Services email: wnfs@wyandotte-nation.org

Director: Dana Butterfield, 918-678-6319
Family Services Specialist: Leeanna Radabaugh, 918-678-6329
ICW/APS Supervisor: Tara Gragg, 918-678-6355
ICW Worker: Carmalita Ward, 918-678-6485

Tag Administrator: Tiffany Garner, 918-678-6353

Enrollment Officer: Haylee Botts, 918-678-6377

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