Wyandotte Nation is making plans to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for Indian Tribes (ICDBG) from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Awards in the amount of $2,000,000 are available to federally-recognized Native American tribal governments for community development activities.

The purpose of the ICDBG program is the development of viable Indian and Alaska Native communities, including the creation of decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities that principally benefit low- and moderate-income persons (24 CFR 1003.208). The Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) in HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing administers the program. Applicants can use these funds for a multitude of community development purposes, including those that connect tribal youth to be contributing members of the community and increasing access to developmental programs.

In fulfilling the Citizen Participation requirements as stated in 24 CFR 1003.604, information regarding the proposed project shall be posted in the form of a community development statement in order for the community to have the opportunity to submit comments or suggestions regarding ICDBG funds.

Any person desiring to make recommendations or suggestions should contact the Planning and Natural Resources Director by email at (SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Program) or by phone at 918-678-6341. You can also mail ideas to the address listed above or FAX to Wyandotte Nation at 918-676-7022 (ATTN: Planning Department).